5 May 2018

Echoes and Dust reviews Gnod – Chapel Perilous

They say:

I remember the first time I heard the menacing pulse of ‘Donovan’s Daughter’ gliding like a raptor through The Garage at Rocket 20. At first, I thought it was perhaps an improvised or only loosely planned intro into the show or another track, perhaps an older one I was less familiar with, but as soon as the vocals kicked in, I was resolutely certain that this was a gnew Gnod track because no one would forget this and no Gnodhead would, having heard this, let a newer fan miss it. My mind was totally blown at that show and I still consider that set to be the best thing I’ve ever seen and a large part of that was the mammoth 15-minute debut of ‘Donovan’s Daughter’. An instant classic instantly falling in with the likes of ‘Tron’, ‘Genocider’, ‘Bodies For Money’ and ‘White Privilage Wank’. And there, one year later, as it had been before, Gnod were back and holy fuck, was it amazing.

On the record, the opener (along with other tracks) is sang by Neil Francis which helps bring a diversity to the record from the past few Gnod releases as well as creating a nice knot around the new and old of the band to create something fresh whilst also staying true to the fluid identity and character of Gnod. I remember the first time I listened to the single as a record and getting a buzz... 

Read the full review here: E&D
